Friday, May 21, 2010

Never blog while sleepy!

Sometimes things are meant to be and sometimes things just dont work out for a reason.
I just want to say that it is late, I should be sleeping because I have to work in the morning. My heart, body and soul hurts. I'm morning for the sad things that happens in this world everyday. I really wish everyone knew Heavenly Father's love! All his love, the love that he has for us, the love that he gives and show. If people knew and really understood his love people would not feel the need to hurt one another.

I love my life, I love the beauty in this world, I love those who have touched my life. I wish to always show my love and kindness to others.

"God be with you til we meet again"

With LOVE,
Jackie Sue

Friday, May 14, 2010

Is this a new blog???...I think it is!!!!

Hello out there to the few people to actually read this thing :0)
I know it has been forever....But I have been busy.....and really lazy.....
But yeah for you here is finally a new post....maybe I should update you on a few things....lets see.....Ummmm....since my last blog I have.....Been in a relationship
:0) then out of one :0/, Was dismissed from my intern job because I was no longer needed :0(, was hired on at the YMAC in the Child Watch :0/, was baptized in the LDS church!(Loving that by the way), was hired on at a call center; start training June 2(don't know if I'm going to take the job), ummmm....I think that is pretty much it for me.....My life isn't very exciting but I am loving what I have!
Here's some fun facts about my older sister who is prego....her due date was May 11 still no sign of the baby, she is being induced on May 20th.
Ummmm...yea that's really pretty much my life......................................................................................................................................................................

Life is shocking the way it works.....
(P.S.that was my quote)

Go Rando!
Jackie Sue!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I do it for love

OMG! I am super tired! The past few days I have been going to bed after 1 in the morning! Is it sad that I can't function unless I have a good 7-8 hours of sleep? Oh my....does that mean I am getting old?
Well I don't even know why I am blogging right now...I'm so tired and I should be getting work done. But I just wanted to tell those few of you who do read my blog about the food I made today! It was so good and amazing!!! I wish everyone could try it! It's called Beef Taco Skillet. But because my sister can't eat meat and I try not to eat beef, I put soy meat in it and it was still "Oh My Goodness Amazing!"

I wish I could write more and entertain but I think I really need a nap.
Maybe I'll stop by later and write some more......yea...we'll see....

"Dear Fullerton College,
I hate your stinking guts. You make me vomit. You're scum between my toes!

Until I get some sleep,
Jackie Sue Kay

Monday, March 1, 2010

I have something to say......

But that's not all I have to say.....I need to get something off my chest that has been bothering me for the past month or so now.....
Now I know some of you are going to read this and think I am crazy and nuts but I am speaking from the heart here. And the heart wants what the heart wants.....and the heart wants Disneyland!!!!
I know, I know silly right? But I really miss Disneyland. Like a whole lot! I miss everything about it. I miss the young and exciting feeling that I would get when I would walk through the gates. I miss the rush of people trying to see everything before the day is over. I miss the hugs of a dirty character. hahaha The waiting in long lines talking with friends and/or family. I just miss everything.
Disneyland is my second home and I never realized that until I moved. I grew up with Disneyland being right around the corner. I had a pass most of my life until I started working there. For 24 years Disneyland has always been there for me in some way or another and I never really appreciated it.
I even miss working there. The great benefits. The being able to go into Disneyland whenever I wanted. The knowing the ins and outs of up coming evens or movies. Free movies tickets! Free stuff! All the great people that I have met there. My former co-workers and leads, who some of them I am still lucky enough to talk to. Awww.....I miss fun Disney times!
And its so sad because my little nephew,Thayne, is always watching Disney movies. Because his mother,who is my sister and she grow up and worked with Disney, is raising Thayne to do the same. So we will be sitting there watching a cute Disney movie like Peter Pan and I'll think of the ride and how it is one of my favorites. And I'll feel that pain in my chest were I kinda want to cry and if Disney was still alive I would seek him out just to hug him!
I guess at heart I will always be a Disneyland lifer. Some looked at that as being a bad thing, but now I wish I had it.
It's true what they say....You don't know what you have until it's gone. And that is ringing loud and true in my ears.

"Absents makes the heart grow fonder." It's so true!

Til we meet again Disneyland,
Jackie Sue Kay

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Challenge yourself whether you like it or not!

I'm really tired and cold right now and I should be working on some self projects but I think instead I'll blog hahaha
Well let me reflect on my life since my last blog which was Wednesday the 24th. So let me see......Thursday not much happened....I went to my intern job, got out early because they didn't have anything for me to do.....they never really have anything for me to do. But I still like that I can put it down as work experience so that's the upside. Then later that evening I went and hung out with Casey....she is super funny and crazy and I can't help but love her.

Yesterday, Was better and beautiful....I went to a Relief Society Meeting were I was in a room full of amazing beautiful women. It was very inspirational. Sitting there and listening to these woman speak may me feel like I could be some much more then who I am right now because I am a woman and I have some much to offer. Oh man just thinking about it makes me want to go out and just take chances and ricks! It was all just so breath taking! To top off that day me and the smaller size family went to Idaho to their best resort where we ate one of the best desserts ever, "Wild Idaho Huckleberry Sundae" It was vanilla Ice Cream with Sorbet whip cream topped with Huckleberry. I should have taken a picture was it looked too good to wait and eat.

But that's pretty much it for me.....I don't know how this blog turned in to a diary...and I don't know how I feel about it but I don't know if I want to share personal feelings here.....I don't know.....I'll think about ways I can improve this.....If you have any suggestions please feel free to tell me!

"Sing us a song, you're a piano man. Sing us a song tonight. Cause we're all in the mood for a melody and you've got us feeling alright."

That is right Ladies and Gentlemen I put a cook book together. I gathered up all my recipes and put them together in a pretty fashion. It turned out really well. And I never realized how many recipes I had. So if you ever want to try something new you know who to turn to!

In the beautiful words of,

Jackie Sue Kay

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Take a picture of me Bob, Take a picture of me!!

So recently in my blogs I have been talking about things that I have made. I have now figured out how to post pictures so now I get to show off my stuff!!! I enjoy the work and that I have done and I hope you do too! Yes that is right....I made these 4 purses. One I made for my sister Julie other 3 I made for myself. When I moved I only brought one purse with me....I don't know what I was thinking....well that one purse was falling apart so I need new ones :0)

This is the cheesecake I made....I know...I doesn't look pretty...not at all but let me tell you it tasted amazing!!!! It was so good it got half way eaten before I could even take a picture! hahaha
This is called Oreo Ice Cream pie....again I know it might not look that good but it was beautiful. It was so sweet and it hit the right spot. It's Oreo pie crust, a layer of fudge, a layer of whip cream, a layer of whip cream and Oreo. OMG wonderful!!!!
With the left over material I had from my purse I was able to cover a shoe box and make this beautiful box! Sadly it is my bill box but I still love it! Super cute....Kinda like me!

And Last but not least, My Red Velvet Cupcakes. I made them for my sister's Birthday party and they were a hit. I made everything from scratch even the frosting. They were so amazingly good I can taste them now and it makes my mouth water.

Amazing!!! I love being crafty. It feels good. It's like little accomplishments!


With happy finding,

Jackie Sue Kay

You heard that I was trouble But you couldn't resist

Wow it has been about 5 days since my last posting, and man has a lot happened. Super busy, a lot of things going on, dead lines to make, risks and decisions to make. Let me tell you busy but way fun and self discovering.
Lets see my last blog was a little bitter and mur mur. But things has gotten better. When I posted the last blog it was just one of those days. It was the first day of a week prior to me starting my period, so with fingers crossed I should be starting that soon and my emotions will stop running crazy. hahaha.....
Anyways, So the following day was Saturday the 20th...Free pretzel day! Which is what I got that day! Soooo Good, mostly because it was free hahaha And then later that night I went tubing!!!! For the first time ever! In the snow! At night! Up in the mountains! With a bunch of people I didn't know too well! Wearing clothes that did not keep me warm! But OMG it was so much fun. I am so glad that I stepped out of my bubble and did it! It was super funny. Everyone knew it was my first time ever playing an activity in the snow, let along going tubing. So of course they wanted me to go down as much as possible. And every time I went down I screamed my head off!!! Oh how they all loved to hear me scream, they thought it was the greatest thing ever. hahaha And at the bottom all I could do was just laugh super loud and people would come up to me and say, "See now wasn't that fun. You seemed to have enjoyed it what with all your laughing." hahahaha and between my laughs all I says was, "I'm laughing because I am thankful to still be alive." hahaha Oh but it was fun and thanks to the lack of snow clothes that I have I was numb most of the night. It took almost 2 1/2 hours to get me warmed back joke....I'm not even lying. When I got home I took a super super hot shower...that only helped for a bit, then I layered myself with clothes and blankets and it still to awhile before I stopped feeling the cold pinches in my legs, hands, and feet. Anyways, so that was my fun adventure.

Then Sunday was a sad day again. All I did was cry for most of the day. I don't know's my darn week before starting my period emotions. I really don't like them. But I went to church even though I didn't want to go because I knew I would be crying all over the place and I did, luckily the people that I normally hang out with weren't there that day. Anyways, but I felt bad because this guy came up to me a few weeks ago and asked for my name and talked to me for a bit but he said he more than likely wouldn't remember my name so then I thought sweet for me I won't have to remember his name because I am super bad with names. Well with my luck he came up to me on Sunday and he totally remembered my name. I had no idea what his was so my response was "Hey you" Awkward...I totally loved it but I did feel bad that I didn't get his name....and now I am asking around trying to find someone who does know his name and so far nothing....I know what you are thinking, "Why don't I just ask him for his name?" But I can't now, it is too late....I have passed up that opportunity. We are at that point now were we talk and I should already know his name. So if I ask him, he will just hate me and I can't go for that. Wow so that was probably more information then was needed.....but whateves! :0)

So then Monday rolls around and that was a very productive day. I had like a million important things that needed to get done as soon as possible. So I spent most of my day in my PJ's sitting in front of the computer trying to finish projects and work things out. Then later that day I made a very delicious Oreo Ice Cream Pie. It was super sweet but it was AMAZING! Oh just thinking about it now makes me want more. Once the evening rolled around I had plans to go play Spoons. That was fun but I didn't get a chance to play many rounds I was still trying to work out some stuff for my deadlines that I have. But that's okay because it was still lots of fun, I had some good laughs and I got to talk to all of my peeps. And then I caped off the night with half off appetizers at AppleBee's. The food wasn't so great but the company was different. I went with this guy Jason( who invited me to begin with) and three of his female friends (that I didn't really know) It was a little awkward but I embraced it. So all in all it was a good day and night.

Now as for Tuesday, which was yesterday, that day started off really well. I got my taxes done, I sent out mail, I finished my FASFA. I was able to cross off a lot of things on my list. But then towards the middle of the day I started to get the shakes. I have no idea what they were from. I tried eating, that didn't help. I tried eating sweets, that didn't help. I tried taking a shower, that didn't help. So I took a nap, that helped a little. But the rest of the day I just felt horrible. Do then for a really late lunch/ really early dinner the family and I went to this super beautiful buffet place. It's called HuHot, pronounced (HoHut). But let me just tell you this place was like art. What you do is you make a creation in a bowl with meats, seafood, noodles, veggies, fruits, and sauces. Then you take it to the cook and he grills it up for you. Now I know they have places like this in California but I never went to them because they were kinda prices. This HuHot, the prices were just right to my liking. Oh I made some wonderful creations. Most of them with meat since I don't get to eat much of it these day. With best regards,
Jackie Sue Kay